Vaibhav Patel and Associates


Professionals Name:
Vaibhav Patel

Contact Info:
511,Sidharth Complex,R.C.Dutt Road,Alkapuri 390007 Vadodara India +91-9898569595
Company Mobile : 9898569595
Phone : 9898569595

Vaibhav Patel & Associates - a multi-disciplinary Architectural and Interior designing firm, was

Vaibhav Patel & Associates - a multi-disciplinary Architectural and Interior designing firm, was established in the year of 2015 and is located in Alkapuri, Vadodara. Influenced with his aspirations, proactively exploring the opportunities and gaining expertise and working with renowned architects and interior designers in the city, Vaibhav started his own independent firm. The core philosophy with designs in this firm is to keep the functional aspects and expertise in mind which fulfill the client’s basic requirements, as well as the emotions with there homes/office/creations intact. The firm gives its best to provide variety of ideas and fiseable options with minimal but significant design mantras. Taking up assignments in consecutive manner helped the firm to get hold of minute to greater details. \"While getting evolved with small scale and big scale projects, we are happy to try various kind of new materials, ideas and designs.\" - by Vaibhav Patel

4 Projects for Vaibhav Patel

DI Appartment

Category : Private Residency

VP’ s Residency

Category : Private Residency

Bungalow Interior

Category : Private Residency

Bedroom Interiors

Category : Private Residency